Monday, August 29, 2011

The Trashy look! Not seen much in America?

Hello :) Im sorry I haven't updated my blog for a wailed, I've been so busy with school and a whole lot of job interviews! I must say that the e-mails people have send me, has motivated me a lot to keep going with this blog. I actually didn't think so many people I didn't know, actual likes my blog and checks it daily! thank you everyone for the support!!

My outfit: Shoes - Asos, Socks - Old football socks, Tank top - American Appeal, Necklace - Bestseller and Sunglasses - Dior

Anna and I, Check out Anna's blog its an amazing blog for women of all ages. LINK

I love gossip girl, I'll soon make a post with my favorite characters. Here is Taylor Momsen
She's often seen with a really cool trashy look, that makes heads turn. What I really love about her, is her long thick wavy BLOND hair that just goes so well with this style! If you are not sure who she is check Taylor Momsen out here

Vest - Fotex, Shirt - Weekday, shorts - American Appeal, And Sunglasses - Rayban

Shoes - Dr. Martens, Socks - American Appeal, Bottom up - Pigen & Basunen

Ripped jeans,Denim Vests, black colors, lots of eyeliner, black nail polish, chunky necklaces, and lots of rings, second hand clothes and oversize tops.
The trashy look for me is a lot like the grunge look. but I think the trashy style (for me) is more with a hint of class. Yes, some people might think that you can be trashy yet classy, but I think that's wrong. See for yourself. what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. That's little J ;-) that's meeee !!!
    Miss you honey..

