Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A spontaneous one


What a long day.. didn't even get to take a picture of my outfit today, and it was actually really cute.
I was running errands all day with a friend. She asks if we should just go get tattoos done, and suddenly us two Aquarius's (whom are very known for being spontaneous) are sitting and waiting to get out new tattoos. 
I've been wanting to write this sentence, that I also have on top of my blog,
"Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing" - So i decided to just get that done today. and I got it on my arm, sorry for the pictures from my iphoto, just about to jump under the blankets. Better pictures will be posttest later :)

Good night everyone, have a lovely night! 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. Nice tat you got there. ANyway.. What do the words say?? :? Nice muscle, too. :)
