Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello everyone! This is my first time blogging.


Don't worry, Be happy.

I have finally decided to try to make a blog myself. I love reading other blogs and I feel like i can give a lot to the blog world, Two of my friends from Denmark have inspired me(I'll put there link later, when i get better at this blogging). We all have our own style and we, look at fashion in completely different ways. It's just like some people think a painting is beautiful others think it's the opposite.
Therefore I believe no one has Bad style. only different. I just hope that my blog will inspire some people with styling themselves, and what to do in certain situations.
The name Lavish comes from High-school, I lived in Houston, Tx for 3 years, but that's about 5 years ago. I had a very european style, so all the students and my friends, called my Lavish or GQ Lavish. Sometimes they made fun of me, but I have always had that name saved in my life and will use it anytime I use an Alias :) My dream is to open my own business and after creating my own product. Now I've been in California a few months, working in Custo Barcelona and have just settled down in an apartment. I can't wait to explore more of Cali and show you all!
I Hope everyone will enjoy this blog.

- This Blog will mainly be about style, lifestyle, and L.O.V.E

1 comment:

  1. Jaaaaaaaa - SELVFØLGELIG skal du have en blog!! Det var på tide. Jeg glæder mig til at følge med.
